Aktuelle Kraftwerks-nichtverfügbarkeiten

ALLE Kraftwerks-nichtverfügbarkeiten

nichtverfügbare Leistung EPL < 10 MW

rechtlicher Hinweis

Aktuelle Kraftwerks-Nichtverfügbarkeiten

Dargestellt sind alle aktuellen Minder- und Ausfallleistungen der Wasserkraftwerke > 10 MW im Eigentum der TIWAG im Marktgebiet Deutschland bzw. Österreich. Die Daten werden im Anlassfall aktualisiert und zusätzlich zu den geplanten Nichtverfügbarkeiten auf der Transparency Plattform der European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) veröffentlicht.

Actual unavailability of generation and production units (incl. Urgent Market Message)

The table shows all current scheduled and unscheduled non-availabilities of TIWAG-hydro power plants > 10 MW in the market area Germany respectively Austria. The page is updated as soon as information is available. Furthermore the information is published on the Transparency Platform of the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX).

Alle Kraftwerks-Nichtverfügbarkeiten

Dargestellt sind alle Minder- und Ausfallleistungen der Wasserkraftwerke > 10 MW im Eigentum der TIWAG im Marktgebiet Deutschland bzw. Österreich. Die Daten werden im Anlassfall aktualisiert und zusätzlich zu den geplanten Nichtverfügbarkeiten auf der Transparency Plattform der European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) veröffentlicht.

All scheduled and unscheduled non-availabilities

The table shows all scheduled and unscheduled non-availabilities of TIWAG-hydro power plants > 10 MW in the market area Germany respectively Austria. The page is updated as soon as information is available. Furthermore the information is published on the Transparency Platform of the European Energy Exchange AG (EEX).

Geplante und ungeplante nichtverfügbare Leistung der Erzeugungseinheiten der TIWAG Stromproduktion
< 10 MW

Dargestellt sind alle Minder- und Ausfallleistungen der Wasserkraftwerke < 10 MW im Eigentum der TIWAG im Marktgebiet Deutschland bzw. Österreich. Die Daten werden im Anlassfall aktualisiert.

Scheduled and unscheduled non-availabilities for power production from TIWAG units < 10 MW

The chart shows all scheduled and unscheduled non-availabilities of TIWAG-hydro power plants < 10 MW in the market area Germany respectively Austria. The page is updated as soon as information is available.


Rechtlicher Hinweis - Nutzungsbedingungen

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Legal Notice - Terms of Use

All contents of this website are being updated - within our technical capabilities and to the best of our knowledge and judgement - without culpable delay following a relevant incident. If the immediate dissemination of a relevant incident is not possible or not feasible in exceptional circumstances - e.g. purposes of plant and operating safety, elimination of hazardous situations, disruption of communication facilities, legally permissible prevention or mitigation of damages or other important causes - TIWAG will carry out the update as soon as this contingency is resolved.

Information on this website is provided voluntarily by TIWAG, for the interest of the general public. The content of this Internet site is protected by copyright. All forms of dissemination, disclosure, duplication reproduction or publication of this website or parts thereof for commercial purposes (including any variation of pursuing financial or personal advantages or gains) are - for lack of prior written approval by TIWAG - prohibited. TIWAG disclaims - except for deliberate misconduct - any liability or warranty for the timeliness, correctness or comprehensiveness (completeness) of these voluntarily supplied contents. The usage of hereby disseminated information is at your own risk, especially when making decisions with financial impacts. The act of providing these contents does not constitute any type of legal relationship (pre-contract, contract, recommendation etc.) that implies special information, diligence or burden of proof duties or obligations of any sort between TIWAG and the user or the person taking note respectively. Likewise TIWAG declines responsibility for all content that can be accessed directly or indirectly through (hypertext) links on this website.

TIWAG rejects liability for transmission and display errors, particularly during maintenance and server downtimes. The setup of the optical display of the receiver terminal lies within the responsibility of the user. TIWAG reserves the right to change or discontinue dissemination without prior notice at any time.

All contents of this website are governed exclusively by the laws of the Republic of Austria and, insofar as permitted by law, under exclusion of the international private law of Austria and other regulations which are applicable in Austria due to international conventions. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this website is the relevant court (ratione materiae) in Innsbruck.​